Dangers Associated With Owning a Runescape Private Server
In our previous articles, we have discussed what some of the benefits of owning your own private server are. We saw that owning a private server gives you freedom to pursue your own modifications on the server; and that you can make a handsome profit from companies advertising to the people using your servers.
There seemed to be quite a lot of benefits to owning an RSPS server, but before you rush out to seek capital to acquire a server, there might be a few things you need to think through and see if owning a private server is really for you.
Lack of legal guidelines
Runescape private servers don’t have strict jurisdiction when it comes to how they operate, function and run. Pretty much like a whole lot of things online, getting proper laws to govern such technology is rare because of the ever-changing nature of technology. It’s almost impossible to keep up with it.
Not having clear guidelines also makes it questionable whether actually owning a Runescape Private Server is even legal? But because there is no law that says it is illegal to own one, you find a lot of people in possession of such servers. So until such a law is put in place (which might be a while coming), we can say that it is safe to go ahead and get yourself invested in a private server.
Copyright lawsuits
Simply because there are no laws prohibiting people from owning Runescape Private Servers does not mean that you are completely in the clear, however. There are still other issues, where laws are involved which could get you into trouble.
For example copyright laws. Use of game content without permission from the game owner is one such example that could get you into serious trouble with the law. We mention this because there have been civil lawsuits whereby server owners have had to shut down their servers after bigger companies like Blizzard and Jagex filed against copyright infringement.
You don’t want to find yourself in such a situation, so always ensure that you have the proper papers and permission for any games you are going to be hosting on your servers. Make sure that you have covered yourself from every angle. If you can afford to, sit down with a copyrights lawyer or a lawyer versed in technology related lawsuits and get to know what the law says about certain things ahead of time.
In the end, our opinion is this. Owning and operating Runescape private servers without running into any legal issues is possible. Playing on private servers doesn’t constitute much danger, but entering the territory of hosting private servers becomes a whole different ball game where legal matters might be a cause for concern.
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