Socialising-The Runescape Private Server
The twenty-first century has been labeled as the age of information. The rise and large-scale use of information and communication technologies substantiate this statement. While the rise of such technologies has enabled countries and regions to integrate into a networked globalized economic and social world, the impact on the families and individuals has been quite the opposite. Socializing is no more a meeting of people at physical landmarks like hotels, restaurants, and social events. It is now connecting on email or chat networks. The rise of information technologies has also seen the development of the gaming industry. Games played on computers and other mobile devices occupy more time in an individual’s timetable than spending time at gatherings.
It is more an individual’s world than a society of collectivities. Does this mean that the humanity is likely to lose skills of collaboration, socializing and working together in teams? A look at the most popular computer game –Runescape gives up hope that the above suggestion may not be true. Runescape is a massively multiplayer online role-playing the game and is most popular worldwide. It is hosted on a single RSPS-or Runescape private server or multiple Runescape private servers and company owned Runescape servers located in Europe and America. The game has a free and a licensed component and needs much lesser computer processor resources, thus making it most popular worldwide.
From its introduction in 2001, the spread of its virtual community of gamers is mainly due to its ability to link Runescape private server-RSPS and expand this hosting to multi-location based Runescape private servers. How does such a distribution favor socialization? The game has created its own community with a syntax, culture and behavioral ethics. As the game involves the use and upgrading of skills to tackle tasks, it necessitates communication, collaboration and yet competition among groups. With the large increase in players across geographical regions and of multiple cultures and languages, it opens each individual to a new facet of human behavior which demands accommodation and collaboration. This improves social skills and enhances the social adaptability of individuals, building increased self-confidence and self-esteem. Research in social and psychological sciences on these aspects of gaming has shown results which corroborate these inferences.
DOWNSIDE OF SREAD: Is there a downside to such a large virtualization of gaming environment? Gaming itself, of the variety of Runescape, promotes skill development, an attitude of trying to achieve and adaptability to work in team environments. The spread of Runescape private server-RSPS facilitates the development of these skills in a cross-cultural environment. Coupled with this, the common syntax, behavioral ethics, and culture lend itself to a harmonization across geographic regions, thereby facilitating and easing the effort at socialization in virtual environments. The multiplicity of Runescape servers only enhances these attributes. The downside , however, is the risk of an individual losing out on the real world achievements and physical contact and getting enclosed in a make-believe world of his own. Considering the fact that gaming communities spend a significant part of their time in this virtual environment, a reluctance to face real world situations can lead to psychological and social problems.
CONCLUSION: So should spread of Runescape gaming environment on Runescape private server-RSPS or multitude of such Runescape private servers be constrained or modified with due warnings to members of this community about the need to face reality?. The answer to this question would perhaps crystallize over time. Read More