Are you tired of playing in someone else’s Runescape Private Servers, and would you like to know how to make one such server for yourself? At first, the steps may seem overwhelming but they are actually very easy.
Steps to create an RSPS
To create a successful and busy Runescape Private Server with hundreds of playersrequirea lot of time and consistent effort. The steps involved to create it are:
- Downloading and installing Java (JRE/JDK)
- Downloading all necessary files for your RSPS
- Hosting your Runescape Private Server
- Preparing and running your Runescape Private Server
Downloading and installing Java (JRE/JDK)
To play Runescape you should install Java’s JRE (Java Runtime Environment) package and to create an RSPS, you will also need to download Java’s JDK (Java Development Kit) package.
Downloading Runescape Private Server files (Server/Client)
Runescape Private Servers have two sides, a client-side and a server-side. The client-side is the applet that your players will load and use to play your version of the game. The server-side involves more programmingand there lies the biggest secret of your server. The players who load are your clients will try to connect to your server-side program.
Making a Runescape Private Server from scratch requires a lot of programming knowledge and time, so if you are not aware of programming and do not have enough time to learn the basics and operations of programming, you may use a pre-made client and server source available online. Each source has its unique features and you can choose one according to your requirements.
Hosting your Runescape Private Server
You now have your Runescape server files, but before others can play, you should get it online which is called hosting a Runescape Private Servers. Hosting it can be done through two methods:
- Hosting it on your own computer
- Hosting it on a rented virtual server
The first method is, of course, easier and completely free, but the downside is the fact that you will need to keep your computer online at all times in order for your players to be able to connect as and when they wish which is virtually impossible. So it is highly recommended that you rent a virtual private server and they are really cheap.
Preparing and running your own Runescape Private Server
After you have got all the required files and a host, get your server up and running. You can start up your own Runescape server by opening the “Run.bat” file (exact file name might vary depending on the source/version you are using) that comes with the RSPS source files you have downloaded. Once all these steps are completed, your Runescape Private Server will be online and players can join your server to play.
Advertise your Runescape Private Server
Now you have got your own Runescape Private Servers, but do not have players playing the game available on your server. So do some advertising on popular gaming forums and on social media to get players coming to your server but do not spam too much.